TwistwiseTM Dosage Dials make it easy to keep you healthy, one dose at a time.

Why can’t people remember taking a pill?

Why is keeping track of whether you’ve taken your medication, vitamin, or supplements, oftentimes difficult?


An article from Fast Company states that, “Your memory confuses your intention to do it with the action itself, and creates a false memory of the task.” This makes it difficult for people to remember whether they’ve taken their medication or supplements, especially if they were interrupted or distracted. The Twistwise Dosage Dial can help you keep tabs on whether you’ve taken your medication or vitamin. The dial allows you to mark down each time you’ve taken your dose.

Twistwise Dosage Reminder Caps

Never forget again.


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For Someone You Love

Help your loved ones remember their medication dosage and prevent errors.

Why Twistwise™